세계 민요

Ring The Bell Watchman

햇살 이해수 2021. 1. 11. 08:06

Ring The Bell Watchman


Ring the Bell, Watchman

High is the belfry the old sexton stands,

Grasping the rope with his thin bony hands;

Fix'd is his gaze, as by some magic spell,

Till he hears the distant murmmer,

Ring, ring the bell.


"Ring the bell, watchman! ring! ring! ring!

Yes, yes the good news is now on the wing;

Yes, yes they come, and with tidings to tell

Glorious and blessed tidings

Ring, ring the bell!"


Baring his long silver locks to the breeze,

First for a moment he drops on his knees;

Then with a rigor that few could excel,

Answers the welcome bidding,

Ring, ring the bell.


Hear! from the hilltop, the first signal gun

Thunders the word that some great deed is done;

Hear! thru' the valley the long echoes swell,

Ever and anon repeating,

Ring, ring the bell.


Bonfires are blazing and rockets ascend

No meager triumphs such tokens portend;

Shout, shout my brothers, for "all, all is well" '

Tis the universal chorus,

Ring, ring the bell.


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